
Betazoids hail from the Federation member planet Betazed. A peaceful race that have developed highly telepathic abilities, the Betazoid people appreciate fine arts, literature, and philosophy. As all Betazoids are telepathic, they usually do not need to vocalize their thoughts to one another in order to communicate, but can do so for the benefit of offworlders. It is a natural ability, and likewise the strength of the skill varies from one to another. Most develop the ability in adolescence, but a few have congenitally active telepathic abilities that may cause severe mental problems due to their inability to screen out other peoples minds. Screening is a skill that is absolutely necessary for the well-being of a Betazoid, particularly for those with keen telepathic sensory skills. Externally, Betazoids are among the most humanoid species on record, and are indistinguishable from humans in every aspect. They can reproduce with humans, although this often dilutes the telepathic abilities of the offspring, case in point: Cmdr. Deanna Troi. The children of such a union often develop empathic rather than full telepathic abilities, though they can still communicate telepathically with their Betazoid parent and a bonded mate. Full Betazoids are unable to read the minds of Ferengi, Breen, Ullians or Dopterians due to their unusual brain lobe formations, but some half Betazoids have been occasionally successful in sensing the emotions of these species.


Betazoid society tends toward more formal and elaborate traditions and ceremonies than most cultures in their present evolutionary stage. Some of the rites often make the more conservative Federation offworlder uneasy at first, most notably the traditional wedding ceremony in which no clothing is to be worn. Though there are no official gender-based restrictions in place within Betazoid society, women have traditionally held many positions of authority. Betazoids are a race of pacific philosophers who are more likely to observe than act, and consequently have little use for weapons or even defense systems. Their planetary defense system were outdated the moment they were finally in place and proved to be quite useless when the Dominion . Nonetheless are considered a major world of the Federation and their fall during the Dominion war in 2374 struck home the devastation that had eaten away at the Federation's formerly secure borders.

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